Ways To Make Self Improvements That Will Change Your Life – Part 2

Adapt to your circumstances rather than over-thinking them.

How many times since February and March have any of us had to understand and apply this to our lives? We know in our minds that we can’t change what mandates the powers-that-be are demanding of us; and though none of “like” it (Let’s face it, masks aren’t comfortable no matter how pretty-pictured or interestingly-designed they are, and hugs are awesome!), we know within that same space in our minds that we are decent people and we are doing it to protect others—because we care. Social media floods our senses with memes, with anti-this and anti-that and conspiracy theories and snake-oil salesmen and…I could go on and on. Our minds are pelted day in and day out. But we are left to make up our own minds, and delve deep within ourselves to make the decision. It’s a lot like religion and spirituality when you think about it, actually.

We could over-think all of this, and some might say that if you spend hours doing scientific and medical research you’re over-thinking it, but understanding isn’t over-thought. Ignorance isn’t bliss. So if we understand, it helps to adapt to the circumstances, I think. The phrase “it is what it is” has been bandied about mercilessly recently, but it really is what it is. And that means adaptation. Acceptance. John Fitzgerald Kennedy once said. For now, don’t do anything, just be responsible. Your ignorance kills your loved ones and fellow citizens.

Getting out of the whole pandemic issue, there have been many times during my travels that I’ve needed to seriously go with this suggestion! Plans change at the last minute due to strikes or breakdowns (not me, the transportation!), things break, storms ruin that beach break. Those carefully laid out plans just go right out the window and you sit and say “Aw man this sucks! Why is this happening? Will it end soon? Will my beach day be saved? Why are the bus drivers striking every single week like clockwork??”

Instead of making ourselves nuts by over-thinking, we adapt to these new circumstances. Our new mantra is, “Okay, this sucks but there are some cool museums and caves. I can’t control the weather for goodness sake. I don’t know when, but it’ll end (unless it’s monsoon season, then you can just forget it; why did you plan your dream trip to the islands during monsoon season anyway?!). Maybe tomorrow will be the beach day and the water is always awesome after a storm. I don’t know why they’re striking but they probably have a good reason—I have legs and feet and the taxis aren’t striking.”

We see something new. Unexpected. We adapt.

Guest blog written by Maria Vano.

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